The choice of medical refrigerator turns out to be difficult for a series of reasons, first of all due to the variety available on the market. But also because it is necessary to keep in mind the essential characteristics it must have in order to work in absolute tranquility. Let’s look at three.
Inverter technology. It guarantees minimal oscillations between the highest and lowest points of the refrigerator, thanks to a motor that works by raising or lowering the number of revolutions depending on the environment and the load, so as to keep the oscillations within the permitted range of + / – 3° C.
Alarm system. The refrigerator for storing medicines must be equipped with an alarm system to report anomalies remotely at no cost. In fact, this way you avoid discovering during a period of closure of the pharmacy that your medicine refrigerator is not working.
In this case, as you well know, to avoid incurring criminal sanctions as article 443 of the penal code says: “Trading or administration of faulty medicines.
Anyone who holds for sale, places on the market or administers faulty or imperfect medicines is punished with imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years and with a fine of no less than 103 euros”. You will have to throw away all the medicines.
Usually the insurance does not compensate for the product and you have lost between 2000 and 4000 euros worth of drugs.
Self-cleaning. A functional refrigerator contains a self-cleaning static condenser system, which avoids the need for maintenance and management costs.
For further information contact Unifrigor Med, Strada SS 31 del Monferrato, 22, 15040 Occimiano Industrial Zone – Alessandria. Telephone +39 0142.809256.
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