Among the various features sought in a medical refrigerator, silence is often underestimated as a truly important prerogative. To ensure that the final choice is considered and informed, however, it is important to also take this aspect into consideration, together with the place intended to house the appliance. The pharmacy, in fact, is a widely frequented environment, which hosts a constant flow of professionals and customers every day. Ensuring a noise-free space, in which to carry out activities in a relaxed manner, without the acoustic nuisance of excessively noisy equipment, has become a priority for the pharmacy.
Benefits of a silent refrigerator. There are many, and they reflect positively both on the staff who work inside the premises and on the customers of the pharmacy who will no longer have to endure the sounds emitted by refrigerators accessible to the public, such as those containing food for intolerants.
The choice of Unifrigor Med. Unifrigor Med immediately understood the need to provide pharmacies with a refrigerator with minimal noise levels, so as to guarantee professionals, doctors and patients a relaxing and relaxing environment. This is the reflection that pushed the specialized company to design and create a refrigerator that responds, clearly and effectively, to market demands. The innovative range of IoTty refrigerators has achieved the objective, ensuring owners enviable silence, with a noise threshold that does not exceed 42 Db.
The result. It is the result of innovative Inverter technology, essential for making the appliance efficient and, indeed, silent. The 60% reduction in perceived decibels is due to the electronic components, which are installed to replace the mechanical elements commonly inserted within standard systems. The management of these electronic parts is entrusted to sophisticated software that allows the speed and intensity of the component to be reduced or increased, based on the external and load conditions of the refrigerator itself. It is worth underlining that the great revolution of Inverter technology consists not only in the possibility of guaranteeing a silent refrigerator, but also in the economic advantage linked to energy saving, capable of ensuring to those who purchase a reduction in the invoice cost, quantifiable between 400 and 800 euros per year.
For further information contact Unifrigor Med, Strada SS 31 del Monferrato, 22, 15040 Occimiano Industrial Zone – Alessandria. Telephone +39 0142.809256.
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